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Mizukage, is a resilient town built at the edge of the Empire along a tranquil river with deep historical roots. The town is surrounded by lush greenery and has a striking mix of humble and elegant architecture, reflecting its blend of rural charm and imperial influence. Its name comes from the shadows cast by tall bamboo groves swaying over the reflective water.

The ferry docks serve as Mizukage’s lifeline, ferrying goods and travelers between the town and nearby settlements. A small shrine with a wishing well stands near the docks, visited by those seeking blessings for safe passage and prosperity. The daimyo who governs the town resides in a modest estate, and his leadership has earned respect for balancing diplomacy and defense.

Mizukage faces challenges from marauding river pirates and roaming barbarians who see the town’s trade routes and river wealth as prime targets. Fortunately, a cadre of warriors and incensed villagers armed with pitchforks and tools, and sound military strategy thanks to the Daimyo, have managed to fend off these incursions. Demonic spirits called Tormentors haunt the surrounding forests, keeping the locals incredibly cautious about venturing too far after nightfall.

The town’s feodums - small plots of land cultivated by farmers - form the backbone of its economy, producing crops traded at the river's edge. At the town square, locals gather to exchange goods or hear the news brought by ferrymen and traders. Mizukage thrives through its strong sense of community and the cunning of its leaders, ensuring its survival amidst external threats.

Kingdom Cards
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