


Living in Exile
Cornucopia & Guilds & Menagerie

Barrowhollow is a remote and desolate settlement, founded by those seeking refuge from the injustices of the more "civilized" parts of the realm. It sits in a rugged valley surrounded by dense thickets and hills that once served as natural fortifications during its early days. The burgh thrives on resourcefulness and resilience, its people eking out a living through hard labor and trade of modest goods.

"Burgen's Horse and Bed House", the hostelry and attached livery in Barrowhollow, serves as the center of commerce and news, with merchants bartering their wares and adventurers passing through, often on their way to even rougher lands. A notable sight in the settlement is the Enclave, a gated compound that houses wealthy exiles - former nobles or merchants - who fled with enough resources to secure themselves a more comfortable existence. They employ the Gatekeepers, a stoic guard force tasked with regulating access to the Enclave and keeping out the undesirables.

Farmhands toil away in small communal fields, ensuring the survival of the settlement with basic crops and livestock.

The burgh’s infirmary is both a sanctuary and a grim reminder of the harsh life here, offering care to those injured in the frequent squabbles or the hard labor of survival. To cope with the many hardships, some find fleeting respite in the taverns or indulge in the occasional delivery of rare imbibements brought in through well-paid merchant journeymen.

In Barrowhollow, everything comes at a cost, and those who thrive here know the value of a stockpiling, hoarding goods and supplies to weather the next storm.

Barrowhollow is a harsh town but one where survival is its own triumph.

Kingdom Cards
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