- Abrahad
- Aegisport
- Aestratus
- Allsop
- Altavallum
- Amilon
- Andrana
- Angrell's Folly
- Aquilinium
- Arabos
- Arcane Lakes
- Argentaria
- Astralis
- Balanceburg
- Barrowhollow
- Baymen Waters
- Beisen
- Bellavistra
- Bellon
- Blackspire Cove
- Blackthorn Hollow
- Blushten
- Boarhold
- Boxton
- Brackenthorpe
- Braewind
- Briarhaven
- Bridgehaven
- Caenum
- Chellfields
- Clutton
- Coinport
- Cragfort
- Cressent
- Crimsonhaven
- Crowhistle
- Crownmarch
- Crox
- Darkholde
- Darkwillow
- Dela Demis
- Delimarr
- Denmire
- Dhelios
- Doewann
- Drabfen
- Dracofell
- Dracon
- Drakensward
- Draymenport
- Driftport
- Dumfrenn
- Dünenberg
- Dürremund
- Duskmire
- Duskwood Hollow
- Ebonwick
- Eddington
- Eldenholme
- Eldenreach
- Eldermere
- Endrata
- Equinington
- Eroshima
- Eryssal
- Exilus
- Fairwynd Hollow
- Fallstadt
- Farfield
- Felling
- Fellis
- Fenchington
- Festivale Crossing
- Fivepoint
- Frigus Regia
- Frogmoor
- Gallvaria
- Gannwoods
- Gapington
- Garakhalls
- Gellfields
- Gemmin
- Gildhaven
- Gilwaters
- Glimmerdell
- Gloomspire Keep
- Gloriana
- Gogosvale
- Goldenfair
- Goldvale
- Goldvoss
- Gorpington
- Grafshaven
- Gravefell
- Gravenmarch
- Greenglen
- Greystone
- Greywater
- Grillow
- Gufoville
- Gyoen
- Hafenburg
- Hafenstadt
- Hallowmere
- Hamgiant's Rest
- Hamish
- Harborhearth
- Harthaven
- Hearthwatch
- Heiwafrith
- Henmir
- Higashikawa
- Highvale
- Hikarimura
- Hitoshari
- Hollowmere
- Honnanspire
- Hoshikawa
- Innsmouth
- Irlien
- Ironhaven
- Ironholme
- Ironvale
- Ishlaley
- Jasper
- Jhalia
- Jinmett
- Jorg's End
- Jurglen
- Kagetane
- Kanemura
- Karnwyld
- Katana
- Katsuyama
- Kawakubo
- Kelfburgh
- Kentavr
- Kerfi’s Landing
- Kerlyin
- Khalidar
- Kinseki
- Kinzoku-Yama
- Kitsunebara
- Kizukura
- Korrondale
- Kralax
- Kremen
- Kuddlit
- Kurokage
- Kyojinbashi
- Lapperton
- Lelston
- Lilyburg
- Lochenspar
- Lortfell
- Lossron
- Lunebridge
- Magnum Capitale
- Manaro
- Marisport
- Mayabell
- Memsford
- Merklenn
- Mirefield
- Mizukage
- Monsler
- Montefortino
- Montevelgio
- Mossle
- Mucket
- Muklywaters
- Murkmire
- Mysthaven
- Mystil
- Nagatsura
- Noleens
- Norrwoods
- Norsilus
- Northmarch
- Notrestow
- Novaport
- Olioneaux
- Omarr
- Ommiten
- Onakatsu
- Onambria
- Ontarlis
- Oshimaha
- Ouldspire
- Pearlport
- Penchville
- Penhold
- Pennykeep
- Peolinn
- Phelp
- Phobos
- Poert
- Port Alabii
- Port Galewind
- Port Lumus
- Port Nightly
- Port Silversong
- Port Winchmere
- Potchen
- Pratentell
- Quanya
- Queensfield
- Quenn
- Quillington
- Raimus
- Rappenfor
- Ravenscar
- Raymarr
- Rebro
- Redgunn
- Redhearth
- Reitetsu
- Rogestein
- Ruritania
- Ruttenburg
- Sablecross
- Saltmarrow
- Sanction
- Sanctus
- Sapps
- Sassfran
- Sedgport
- Shayfar
- Shigamura
- Shinkarō
- Shinmei
- Shirogane
- Shish
- Silkreach
- Silvermere
- Silvertrail
- Skavenholt
- Sleigholme
- Snowfall Gardens
- Spundorf
- St. Lutcha
- Steinschloss
- Stentburgh
- Stonecross
- Stoneguard
- Stonehearth
- Stonewalk
- Sunaki
- Sunreach
- Suthampton
- Takamata
- Tatsukabe
- Tenkyō
- Termuthal
- The Driftwood Islands
- Thermaea
- Thornwick
- Tidecove
- Tidehaven
- Tidewatch
- Tiki Islands
- Torvalin
- Traegmere's Landing
- Traymore
- Trenchford
- Trungent
- Tryinimar
- Uhai
- Undaga
- Urblest
- Vartinn
- Veagleburg
- Vecmann
- Veilstoke
- Velmontis
- Verdigrave
- Vespen
- Vindrae
- Virkin
- Vog Senten
- Wanderholt
- Warramere
- Wavegrave
- Wayfarer’s Rest
- Wells Hollow
- Wernt
- Westerford
- Wettleford
- Widdershire
- Wormtooth
- Wyndbur
- Xellendor
- Xerlebad
- Yellwater
- Yǐngwěi
- Zanj Kreyol
- Zaraketh
- Zekinstein
- Zemshire
- Zondeep
Argentaria is an old city, its foundations laid by the ambitions of rulers long past. The city rises in tiers, each district a testament to the wealth and ingenuity of its inhabitants. Numerous castles of the wealthy rise above the abodes of regular citizens. At the heart of the city lies the Forum Magnus, a grand plaza flanked by marble columns, where merchants and orators vie for attention under the shadow of the towering Emporium Maximus. Surrounding this bustling hub are sprawling villas, their terracotta roofs and manicured courtyards offering refuge to the city's elite.
To the east, the mighty Colosseum Vitale hosts the chariot races, thrilling spectacles where the excited population gathers to cheer for their champions. At the city's edge, engineers toil tirelessly to maintain the ancient aqueducts and fortify the crumbling Towers of Vigilance. Looming above it all is the Castle Argent, the residence of the ruling Patrician Council, its alabaster walls glinting in the sun like a beacon of prosperity. Argentarians believe deeply in the value of blood sacrifice, its people ever mindful of the gods and the old ways, ensuring their fortune endures through careful offerings and reverence.
Here, tradition and ambition walk hand in hand, a precarious balance of power and faith that holds the city together.