- Abrahad
- Aegisport
- Aestratus
- Allsop
- Altavallum
- Amilon
- Andrana
- Angrell's Folly
- Aquilinium
- Arabos
- Arcane Lakes
- Argentaria
- Astralis
- Balanceburg
- Barrowhollow
- Baymen Waters
- Beisen
- Bellavistra
- Bellon
- Blackspire Cove
- Blackthorn Hollow
- Blushten
- Boarhold
- Boxton
- Brackenthorpe
- Braewind
- Briarhaven
- Bridgehaven
- Caenum
- Chellfields
- Clutton
- Coinport
- Cragfort
- Cressent
- Crimsonhaven
- Crowhistle
- Crownmarch
- Crox
- Darkholde
- Darkwillow
- Dela Demis
- Delimarr
- Denmire
- Dhelios
- Doewann
- Drabfen
- Dracofell
- Dracon
- Drakensward
- Draymenport
- Driftport
- Dumfrenn
- Dünenberg
- Dürremund
- Duskmire
- Duskwood Hollow
- Ebonwick
- Eddington
- Eldenholme
- Eldenreach
- Eldermere
- Endrata
- Equinington
- Eroshima
- Eryssal
- Exilus
- Fairwynd Hollow
- Fallstadt
- Farfield
- Felling
- Fellis
- Fenchington
- Festivale Crossing
- Fivepoint
- Frigus Regia
- Frogmoor
- Gallvaria
- Gannwoods
- Gapington
- Garakhalls
- Gellfields
- Gemmin
- Gildhaven
- Gilwaters
- Glimmerdell
- Gloomspire Keep
- Gloriana
- Gogosvale
- Goldenfair
- Goldvale
- Goldvoss
- Gorpington
- Grafshaven
- Gravefell
- Gravenmarch
- Greenglen
- Greystone
- Greywater
- Grillow
- Gufoville
- Gyoen
- Hafenburg
- Hafenstadt
- Hallowmere
- Hamgiant's Rest
- Hamish
- Harborhearth
- Harthaven
- Hearthwatch
- Heiwafrith
- Henmir
- Higashikawa
- Highvale
- Hikarimura
- Hitoshari
- Hollowmere
- Honnanspire
- Hoshikawa
- Innsmouth
- Irlien
- Ironhaven
- Ironholme
- Ironvale
- Ishlaley
- Jasper
- Jhalia
- Jinmett
- Jorg's End
- Jurglen
- Kagetane
- Kanemura
- Karnwyld
- Katana
- Katsuyama
- Kawakubo
- Kelfburgh
- Kentavr
- Kerfi’s Landing
- Kerlyin
- Khalidar
- Kinseki
- Kinzoku-Yama
- Kitsunebara
- Kizukura
- Korrondale
- Kralax
- Kremen
- Kuddlit
- Kurokage
- Kyojinbashi
- Lapperton
- Lelston
- Lilyburg
- Lochenspar
- Lortfell
- Lossron
- Lunebridge
- Magnum Capitale
- Manaro
- Marisport
- Mayabell
- Memsford
- Merklenn
- Mirefield
- Mizukage
- Monsler
- Montefortino
- Montevelgio
- Mossle
- Mucket
- Muklywaters
- Murkmire
- Mysthaven
- Mystil
- Nagatsura
- Noleens
- Norrwoods
- Norsilus
- Northmarch
- Notrestow
- Novaport
- Olioneaux
- Omarr
- Ommiten
- Onakatsu
- Onambria
- Ontarlis
- Oshimaha
- Ouldspire
- Pearlport
- Penchville
- Penhold
- Pennykeep
- Peolinn
- Phelp
- Phobos
- Poert
- Port Alabii
- Port Galewind
- Port Lumus
- Port Nightly
- Port Silversong
- Port Winchmere
- Potchen
- Pratentell
- Quanya
- Queensfield
- Quenn
- Quillington
- Raimus
- Rappenfor
- Ravenscar
- Raymarr
- Rebro
- Redgunn
- Redhearth
- Reitetsu
- Rogestein
- Ruritania
- Ruttenburg
- Sablecross
- Saltmarrow
- Sanction
- Sanctus
- Sapps
- Sassfran
- Sedgport
- Shayfar
- Shigamura
- Shinkarō
- Shinmei
- Shirogane
- Shish
- Silkreach
- Silvermere
- Silvertrail
- Skavenholt
- Sleigholme
- Snowfall Gardens
- Spundorf
- St. Lutcha
- Steinschloss
- Stentburgh
- Stonecross
- Stoneguard
- Stonehearth
- Stonewalk
- Sunaki
- Sunreach
- Suthampton
- Takamata
- Tatsukabe
- Tenkyō
- Termuthal
- The Driftwood Islands
- Thermaea
- Thornwick
- Tidecove
- Tidehaven
- Tidewatch
- Tiki Islands
- Torvalin
- Traegmere's Landing
- Traymore
- Trenchford
- Trungent
- Tryinimar
- Uhai
- Undaga
- Urblest
- Vartinn
- Veagleburg
- Vecmann
- Veilstoke
- Velmontis
- Verdigrave
- Vespen
- Vindrae
- Virkin
- Vog Senten
- Wanderholt
- Warramere
- Wavegrave
- Wayfarer’s Rest
- Wells Hollow
- Wernt
- Westerford
- Wettleford
- Widdershire
- Wormtooth
- Wyndbur
- Xellendor
- Xerlebad
- Yellwater
- Yǐngwěi
- Zanj Kreyol
- Zaraketh
- Zekinstein
- Zemshire
- Zondeep
Trungent is a quiet riverside town nestled on the banks of the Lanksie River, where the famous Brokenbone Bridge provides the only passage across its swift currents. Known for its thriving sheep herds and exceptional wool products, the town’s windmills hum steadily, spinning raw wool into the kingdom’s finest textiles. Despite its pastoral charm, Trungent is fraught with tension as the Woolwright's Conclave, representing the hardworking spinners and shepherds, vies for control of the lucrative trade against the meddling nobles, who seek to monopolize the industry for personal gain.
The town is also the gateway to the treacherous Feywater Mountains, a forbidding range shrouded in ghostly legends and whispers of ancient gods. Would-be heroes flock to Trungent, drawn by promises of hidden riches. Few return, and those who do are forever changed, their broken spirits and minds weaving new layers of mystery into the mountains’ lore.