
Wells Hollow

Wells Hollow

Gift Horses
Dark Ages & Menagerie

Wells Hollow is a frontier burgh defined by its thriving horse trade and its aggressive occupation of Nolan lands on behalf of the King. Nestled in a fertile valley, the settlement serves as a waypoint for merchants, farmers, and desert nomads traversing the surrounding wilderness. The camel trains are a common sight here, laden with goods and bartering for supplies before returning to their sandy abodes. The Hollow’s numerous paddocks boasts fine horses bred for strength and speed, drawing traders and noblemen alike.

At the center of the settlement is the Bartering Grounds, a sprawling marketplace where burghfolk haggle over everything from livestock to ancient relics to animal trophies won in the wilderness hunting grounds. The sages of Wells Hollow, well known for their sharp minds and sharper tongues, serve as advisors to traders and nobles, ensuring no deal is made without careful consideration.

Rats skulk through the barns however, drawn to the stores of grain. The king maintains a Squires School here where hopefuls practice their swordplay and take part in the training and care of destriers. Fortunes are made with a clever bargain and lost with a poorly placed wager, but the people of the hollow know one truth above all - opportunity, like a well-trained steed, comes and goes quickly.

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