


Cornucopia & Guilds & Empires

Spreading out on the banks of the Yarnline River and stretching across its rolling hills, the town of Crowhistle is a vibrant hub of life and intrigue. It is famed across the realm as the site of the Royal Zoo, a sprawling collection of exotic animals housed in grand colonnades and viewing enclosures. These enclosures, adorned with elegant carvings and lined with plaques of information that serves as a blend of education and entertainment. Around every corner, jesters and storytellers weave their enchanting tales, captivating visitors with tales of the capture and care of the many exotic animals.

The zoo also maintains a vast herd of goats, not just for feeding the population but for sacrifices to Motar, the god of animals, in solemn ceremonies held within the town's sacrificial grounds. These rituals often draw a mix of reverence and spectacle, as both locals and visitors gather to witness the devotion to Motar.

Crowhistle itself is overseen by the astute and pragmatic Lord Zhekki, whose governance is a balance of nurturing growth and keeping the nobility content. Villas of the aristocracy dot the hills, offering panoramic views of the sprawling town and the nearby Nerwinter Woods. By night, these woods come alive with the sounds of wild hunts as nobles chase elusive game by moonlight, vying for prestige and trophies.

However, Crowhistle's ambitions stretch beyond its existing borders. New settlements are sprouting in the annexed Darmaul lands, bringing with them the dual promise of prosperity and tension. The Darmauls, while displaced, are not a passive people, and rumors of violent resistance abound.

Crowhistle is a place where the wild and the civilized meet in precarious harmony, its future as dynamic as its present.

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